TAG: WarUponLife
We have already mentioned these topics in several videos, mentioned in many debates, but here are deeper into the entang...
3,973 ► Views • 3 Year
Not WE say that, but the whole of modern science is fully motivated and busy to get closer to this goal! The ultimate...
4,170 ► Views • 4 Year
We live in a crucial moment/“phase”, where People waking up!But the question is: “FROM WHAT, TO WHAT”? From c...
7,920 ► Views • 4 Year
Tooth for Tooth? Punching everyone in the face? Until nobody can eat or speak? Lie to the LIAR? Be hypocrite to hy...
1,371 ► Views • 4 Year
There is no black or white in nature / life / reality! How there is no "good or bad", "positive or negative" without ju...
3,990 ► Views • 4 Year
From Universe, God to Bacterias, Virus, Micro, Nano, Quantum From Macro to Micro until computer generated IMAGINATION...
2,029 ► Views • 4 Year
No matter the Opinion, Judgment, Ego, Emotion or Trauma we have it will not make things easier or never solve anything! ...
4,011 ► Views • 4 Year
An “exceptional situation” means WAR! And governments everywhere have made it clear “IT'S WAR”! And in the ...
5,865 ► Views • 4 Year
As long as we are in the hamster wheel of: problem, reaction and the question for a solution, we don't notice how everyt...
3,908 ► Views • 4 Year
This war is not only against people, but also against nature, animals, soil, air, water ... From quantum, nano up to th...
3,239 ► Views • 4 Year

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