If people don't really wake up NOW WHAT is really going on. We will all soon be in a totalitarian fascist state!
We have to "take our LIFE in hand" nobody will do it for us!
Life begins at the end of the comfort zone !!!
The time of reasoning, opinion, belief, hope and blind trust in government, institutions, movements, religion God, Guru, Messiah ... IS OUT!
That is exactly what brought us all into this situation! And still hoping, waiting, believing that someone will come to "save our lives" is totally irresponsible!
Asking for "rights" (which we never had) eats the Stockholm Syndrome from the slave who still hopes to be freed from the master!
The slave is only released if he frees himself from the "master" !!
You only ask for a solution if you have not recognized the problem! Otherwise you would notice that the problem is ALWAYS CREATED and supports people who have the complex of "governing"!
Only full personal responsibility for all thoughts, feelings, words and actions will be able to change anything NOW!
And again: We have to "take our LIFE in hand" nobody will do it for us! But they will take advantage of THAT to add even more "government" and this time totally totalitarian and fascist!
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