TAG: Nanotechnology
It is becoming increasingly clear how they want to get to their transhumanist ultimate goal. Nano technology is becom...
9,006 ► Views • 3 Année
To bring some clarity into the history of the moving threads found on the masks and test, we got a 1000x microscope to d...
3,264 ► Views • 3 Année
The goal of this vaccination has absolutely nothing to do with health! It is a genetic preparation that prepares (man...
7,325 ► Views • 4 Année
W.H.O. Official: "May have to enter homes and remove family members!" This is what they are planing and for this they...
5,248 ► Views • 4 Année
In order to create perfect virtual reality, reality need to become 100% virtual! Goal: Virtual matrix including ever...
6,140 ► Views • 4 Année

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